Korea University Graduate School of Life and Environmental Science

  • Sitemap
  • Korea Univ.
  • 한국어


Life and Environment AMP offers learning opportunities not only for life science and the environment but also in the humanities and education as a whole. To this end, we invite prominent lecturers to share their knowledge and insight; they include leaders from the government, public agencies, businesses, bio start-ups, and environment-related companies.

Main Lecture Themes

Main Lecture Themes
Life and Environment Humanities and General Education
Status and Prospect of Life Engineering The Mystery of Life The Choices and Delusions of Koreans
Climate Change and Global Leadership Understanding of the Liver and Environment Extreme Leadership - Antarctic King Sejong Station
Healthy Diet Management Flowers, Herbs and Human Health Humor and Competitiveness
Modern Medical Science and Understanding of Life The Present and Future of Food Safety Big Data and Modern Society
Understanding Brain Science Big Data and Bioinformatics The Spirit of Our Time
Sleep Disorders and Health   Business Activities and Tax Affairs